Store Locator
Malibu Compost soil products are sold at your local independent nursery, feed and farm supply, hardware store, grow store or landscape and irrigation supply stores. Find out where to buy organic Malibu Compost soil products at your nearest store by entering your city and state below.
NO GMO's, green waste, conventional Ag by-products, pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones or sewage sludge.

If you are a store that would like to carry Malibu Compost soil products, or if you don't see your store listed and already carry us, please let us know through the form here.

It takes a lot of people to make a company go. We are so grateful and appreciative of all of the people who have partnered with Malibu Compost over the years to help us grow into the company that we’ve become. As with most things in life, the best things are those that are shared with others and that allow us to become stronger, better, and wiser.
All of these people and companies have helped us in our growth as a company and have been instrumental in one way or another in getting our farm made, true organic, Non-GMO and biodynamic line of products out to you, our cherished customers and community. We want all of you who read this to know that we didn’t do it alone. It is our co-packing and bag manufacturing partners, it is our dairy partners, it is our trucking partners, it is our sales and marketing partners, it is all of the stores that ever believed in us to bring us in, it is all of our friends and family who have supported us, it was every customer who ever bought a bag of compost or sleeve of compost tea, it was every friend on social media who ever said a kind word about Malibu Compost, and it is all of you who make Malibu Compost what it is today. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you!
- Randy Ritchie, Founder and CEO